K2 blackpearl 4.6.8 (4.12060.1600.0) Known Issues List

  • 16 February 2021
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K2 blackpearl 4.6.8 (4.12060.1600.0) Known Issues List


K2 blackpearl 4.6.8
K2 blackpearl 4.6.8
This article has been archived, and/or refers to legacy products, components or features. The content in this article is offered "as is" and will no longer be updated. Archived content is provided for reference purposes only. This content does not infer that the product, component or feature is supported, or that the product, component or feature will continue to function as described herein.



The following issues are currently known for K2 blackpearl 4.6.8 (4.12060.1600.0) and include workarounds where possible.




Claims Authentication

When opening the Instantiation or Task page to manually start a K2 process and then signing in as a different user (for example, a Forms user), you are redirected to the login page and the original query string is truncated resulting in an error on the page.
Close the Internet Explorer session, log in as the correct user and open the task.
  • Configure Credentials in K2 Designer for SharePoint will only work in the following configured scenarios:
    • Classic Site where a SharePoint Login is AD and the cache is AD
    • Claims (Forms Authentication) Site where a SharePoint Login is AD and the cache is AD
    • Claims (ADFS) Site where a SharePoint Login is AD and the cache is AD
  • It is known not to work in the following scenarios:
    • Claims (Forms Authentication) Site where a SharePoint Login is AD and the cache is Forms
    • Claims (Forms Authentication) Site where a SharePoint Login is Forms and the cache is AD
    • Claims (ADFS) Site where a SharePoint Login is AD and the cache is ADFS
    • Claims (ADFS) Site where a SharePoint Login is ADFS and the cache is AD
    • Claims (Forms Authentication) Site where a SharePoint Login is Forms and the cache is Forms
    • Claims (ADFS) Site where a SharePoint Login is ADFS and the cache is ADFS

Exchange Integration

Exchange Integration: In an environment that has Exchange 2007 when configuring the K2 Studio Exchange Event, the K2 Server might stop functioning when creating a new Mailbox when the Exchange Service instance is set to impersonate.
Ensure that Update Rollup 10 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 is installed.


K2 Wizards

Code Reference Event Wizard: Array types are not supported by the Code Reference Event Wizard. For example, when a method returns an array the wizard handles it as an instance.
With XML fields simply send the containing element and use an XmlDocument/XDocument in your code. For example: In the following XML structure:
Make use of the ‘Users’ element, this will send the XML from ‘Users’ down as a string to the code.




Worklist Filtering: When filtering on the Worklist using the K2 Services or the Worklist Client API it is not possible to filter on the following data types:
  • Double
  • Decimal
  • DateTime

Workaround: At the time of this version’s release date, there was no known workaround for this issue.


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