Update K2 blackpearl 0807 (4.8210.x.650)

  • 16 February 2021
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Update K2 blackpearl 0807 (4.8210.x.650)


K2 blackpearl 0807
K2 blackpearl 0807
This article has been archived, and/or refers to legacy products, components or features. The content in this article is offered "as is" and will no longer be updated. Archived content is provided for reference purposes only. This content does not infer that the product, component or feature is supported, or that the product, component or feature will continue to function as described herein.


Note: It is necessary to backup your K2Server and K2ServerLog databases before implementing this Update.


KB000650 updates all K2 blackpearl 0807 version 4.8210.2.450 and 4.8210.3.0 installations with the latest product hotfixes, as detailed below. The installer will update K2 blackpearl 0807 32-bit and 64-bit installations.



Issues Resolved

The following issues have been fixed and are contained within this update:

KB000602 - Hotfix: Event Notifications not functioning.
KB000606 - Hotfix: Activity Instance Reporting Errors.
KB000643 - Hotfix: SmartObject SharePoint Service Instance Configuration issue.
KB000644 - Hotfix: Error occurs on K2 Worklist when exporting a process from K2.Net 2003 Studio to K2 blackpearl Server.
KB000645 - Hotfix: Object Reference Errors in OOO when the RemoveOrphans() method is called.

This update includes the hotfixes included in previous K2 blackpearl 0807 Updates, so there is no need to install the updates listed below as well. The following links are provided for reference to view the enhancements and resolved issues contained within the previous updates:

KB000483 - K2 blackpearl 0807 Update (4.8210.x.483)
KB000495 - K2 blackpearl 0807 Update (4.8210.x.495)
KB000505 - K2 blackpearl 0807 Update (4.8210.x.505)
KB000515 - K2 blackpearl 0807 Update (4.8210.x.515)
KB000525 - K2 blackpearl 0807 Update (4.8210.x.525)
KB000535 - K2 blackpearl 0807 Update (4.8210.x.535)
KB000545 - K2 blackpearl 0807 Update (4.8210.x.545)
KB000555 - K2 blackpearl 0807 Update (4.8210.x.555)
KB000565 - K2 blackpearl 0807 Update (4.8210.x.565)
KB000575 - K2 blackpearl 0807 Update (4.8210.x.575)
KB000585 - K2 blackpearl 0807 Update (4.8210.x.585)
KB000595 - K2 blackpearl 0807 Update (4.8210.x.595)
KB000605 - K2 blackpearl 0807 Update (4.8210.x.605)
KB000615 - K2 blackpearl 0807 Update (4.8210.x.615)
KB000625 - K2 blackpearl 0807 Update (4.8210.x.625)





Note: It is necessary to backup your K2Server and K2ServerLog databases before implementing this Update.

K2 blackpearl 0807 Update (4.8210.x.650) is available as an independent installation package which can be found here: http://portal.k2.com/downloads/bp/default.aspx.

Note: This Update contains the decimal fix which will be executed by the installer to correct the databases. This fix has two files that will be installed. These files can be run manually post installation if required. If errors occur please contact regional support.

Installation Prerequisites

The following are prerequisites to K2 blackpearl 0807 4.8210.x.650 and must be installed prior to installing this update:

  • Full Installation: K2 blackpearl 0807 4.8210.3.0
  • Upgrade: K2 blackpearl 0807 4.8210.2.450

Installation Steps

The K2 blackpearl 0807 Update (4.8210.x.650) installation package must be installed by running the K2 Update Manager (K2Setup.exe) found within the update package.

Note: This update package should be installed on all machines that have K2 components installed. The Configuration Manager will only be run for the K2 Server, K2 for SharePoint and K2 for Reporting Services component. This update should be installed on machines running K2 blackpearl 0807 4.8210.2.450 or 4.8210.3.0

To install this package, follow the steps below:

  1. Welcome Screen
    The Welcome Screen introduces the K2 blackpearl Update Manager. An installation log will be created by default. Click Next to continue.
  2. Components to Update
    The Components to Update page lists the K2 Components that the update manager will update. Click Update to continue.
  3. K2 blackpearl Server
    The K2 blackpearl Server must be stopped for the duration of the patch. If the server is running a warning screen will appear requesting that the K2 blackpearl server be stopped.
  4. Reset IIS
    The K2 blackpearl Update Manager will request and perform a reset of IIS.
  5. Ready
    The K2 blackpearl Update Manager will install the update, and will show the progress of the update via the progress bars on the screen.
  6. Finished
    Once the update has completed installing, the wizard will show you the finished screen. A link to the log file that is created is available on this screen. Click Finish to close the installer.
  7. Configuration Manager
    After the K2 blackpearl Update Manager finishes, the K2 Configuration Manager will run and must be allowed to complete to fully install and configure the new update.
    Note: If the K2 Configuration Manager does not complete successfully, the update will not be installed properly and your K2 blackpearl installation will not function correctly.



Components to Update

K2 blackpearl 0807 Update (4.8210.x.650) will update and configure the following components:

  • K2 Server
  • K2 Databases
  • K2 for SharePoint
  • K2 for Reporting Services

Note that the following components will only be updated and not configured:

  • K2 for Visual Studio
  • K2 Workspace
  • K2 for Visio
  • K2 Configuration Manager
  • K2 Documentation

Please Note:

Configuration Files: When repairing or upgrading to K2 blackpearl 0807 Update (4.8210.x.650), all K2 configuration files will be overwritten. Any K2 blackpearl configuration file that has manually been altered will be overwritten in the upgrade. The K2 Installer will perform an automatic backup of the existing configuration files. The backup files must be compared after installation and the new configuration files manually changed to represent any previous modifications. The backup location is {K2 blackpearl}SetupConfigurationBackup

Database Snapshot: The database snapshot has been designed to create a new snapshot folder on every subsequent reconfigure after the initial installation of K2 blackpearl. These snapshots can be compared to the templates easily using a comparison tool. This feature is available from K2 blackpearl 0807 (4.8210.x.505) onwards. The snapshot can be found at the following example location which is determined by the date when the update was installed: {K2 blackpearl}ConfigurationScriptSnapshotsDate_x

Figure 1 - Database Snapshot

Compatibility Matrix: In the K2 blackpearl Compatibility matrix any reference made to K2 blackpearl 0807 (4.8210.2.450) or (4.8210.3.0) will equally apply to this Update.




Updated Files

Download the PDF from the right hand menu bar for a list of updated files and the associated file versions.


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