Code Fix: Missing reference errors occur when packaging forms that transfer data between a subform and the parent form

  • 16 February 2021
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Code Fix: Missing reference errors occur when packaging forms that transfer data between a subform and the parent form


K2 smartforms 4.7
K2 smartforms 4.7
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Issue Description
After applying K2 4.7 February 2017 Cumulative Update FP2,  a form designed to transfer data from a subform or subview to a parent form, and the transfer rule is configured with parameters or a control, will display missing reference errors when the forms are packaged.

Error Message
The following error messages are displayed:

  • “List Placement Types' View is referencing the 'Parameter with Name: pPageTemplateID' property on the 'Edit Supported Asset Type' View that could not be found.”
  • “List Placement Types' View is referencing the 'Control with Guid: d2fd4cb8-548c-f270-0402-565bf699f70c and Name: hdnPlacementTypeID' property on the 'Edit Supported Asset Type' View that could not be found.”


Repro Steps

  1. Create a SubForm named SubForm1.
  2. Drag a button onto the canvas.
  3. Add a parameter named Param1.
  4. Click Finish.
  5. Create a SubForm named SubForm2.
  6. Drag a button onto the canvas (Button1).
  7. Add parameter named Param2.
  8. Click Finish.
  9. Create a Form named MainForm.
  10. Drag two buttons onto the canvas (Button2 and Button3).
  11. Add a rule: When Button1 is clicked then open SubForm1 as a subform.
  12. Add a rule: When Button2 is clicked then open SubForm2 as a subform.
  13. Add a rule: On SubForm1 - (When Button1 is Clicked) subform, when Button is Clicked, then transfer data to SubForm1 - (When Button1 is Clicked) subform. Configure the action and type a value for Param1 mapping.
  14. Add rule: On SubForm2 - (When Button2 is Clicked) subform, when Button is Clicked, then transfer data to SubForm2 - (When Button2 is Clicked) subform. Configure the action and type a value for the Param2 mapping.
  15. Click Finish on the Rules designer.
  16. Click Finish.
  17. Check- in all three forms.
  18. Open K2 Package and Deployment MMC.
  19. Package the three forms created above.
  20. Notice the missing reference errors.




  1. Ensure you have K2 4.7 installed.
  2. Install the K2 4.7 February 2017 Cumulative Update.
  3. Get the K2 4.7 February 2017 Cumulative Update FP5 from Regional Support.
  4. Install the K2 4.7 February 2017 Cumulative Update FP5 to apply the fix.
  5. Clear the Browser cache.



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