How to Manage Exception Handling in 2003 with SP4

  • 24 February 2022
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How to Manage Exception Handling in 2003 with SP4


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Enhancements to the error messaging in 2003 with SP4 and the error logging format now includes the error number along with the error message as a single text string. The following article describes the advantages of the enhancements and how to change custom code to manage the change.

The new exception format means that the string message generated changes from something expected for e.g. "Worklist item not found" to something similar for e.g. "6030 Worklist item not found". The inclusion of the error number in the message will cause a mismatch however; the advantage to the new format is that the error code provides a reliable reference to the exception and its cause.

Note: 2003 is delivered with a default list of error codes and messages for operational requirements. Developers would thereafter amend this resource as they choose. Refer to the 2003 Logging Framework documentation.

For runtime purposes, the developer would therefore match the error number to identify a problem and not the entire message as before. This enhancement does affect backwards compatibility, but only if the custom code is not updated to trap the error code instead of the entire message. Applications looking for the customary pre 2003 SP4 format will start generating mismatches since the error number is now part of the error message.

In the two C# Samples shown below, the first sample demonstrates the common method applied with 2003 SP3. The second method demonstrates how to trap for the error number as part of the error message for application using 2003 with SP4.

C# Sample 1: Applies to service pack releases prior to 2003 with SP4

private void SP3WorklistItem_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
   //SP3 Error Handling
   //Worklist Item Not found
   SourceCode.K2ROM.Connection oK2Connection = new SourceCode.K2ROM.Connection();
   SourceCode.K2ROM.WorklistItem oWorklistItem;

   oWorklistItem = oK2Connection.OpenWorklistItem("1,1,1","ASP");
   catch(Exception ex)
  //Try to match entire error message
  if(ex.Message == "Worklist item not found")
   MessageBox.Show("Your work item is no longer available on the system. Please contact your system Administrator for more information.");

C# Sample 2: Applies to service pack release 2003 with SP4

private void SP4WorklistItem _Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
 //SP4 Error Handling
 //6030 Worklist Item Not found
 SourceCode.K2ROM.Connection oK2Connection = new SourceCode.K2ROM.Connection();
 SourceCode.K2ROM.WorklistItem oWorklistItem;

     oWorklistItem = oK2Connection.OpenWorklistItem("1,1,1","ASP");
   catch(Exception ex)
     //Check for Error number 6030 at the start of the message
     //Each Error message will contain the error number at the start of the message
    MessageBox.Show("Your work item is no longer available on the system. Please contact your system Administrator for more information.");


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