K2 4.7 March 2018 Cumulative Update Fix Packs

  • 13 December 2022
  • 0 replies

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PRODUCT: K2 blackpearl 4.7, K2 smartforms 4.7


This article has been archived, and/or refers to legacy products, components or features. The content in this article is offered "as is" and will no longer be updated. Archived content is provided for reference purposes only. This content does not infer that the product, component or feature is supported, or that the product, component or feature will continue to function as described herein.


The K2 4.7 March 2018 Cumulative Update Fix Packs contain fixes for issues reported in K2 4.7 products. K2 recommends that you test these Fix Packs before you deploy to a production environment.


Caution: Be sure you are installing newer fix packs in your environment, and not overwriting with older fix packs. 
Want to see what Fix Pack level you have installed? Check out KB001893: How to determine the installed K2 software version, Cumulative Updates, and Fix Packs


Fix Pack Release Date Release notes Download Link
Fix Pack 1 13 March 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 1
Fix Pack 2 20 March 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 2
Fix Pack 3 27 March 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 3
Fix Pack 4 5 April 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 4
Fix Pack 5 10 April 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 5
Fix Pack 6 17 April 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 6
Fix Pack 7 24 April 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 7
Fix Pack 8 8 May 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 8
Fix Pack 9 15 May 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 9
Fix Pack 10 21 May 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 10
Fix Pack 11 30 May 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 11
Fix Pack 12 5 June 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 12
Fix Pack 13 12 June 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 13
Fix Pack 14 18 June 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 14
Fix Pack 15 19 June 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 15
Fix Pack 16 26 June 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 16
Fix Pack 17 5 July 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 17
Fix Pack 18 17 July 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 18
Fix Pack 19 31 July 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 19
Fix Pack 20 6 August 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 20
Fix Pack 21 14 August 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 21
Fix Pack 22 4 September 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 22
Fix Pack 23 11 September 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 23
Fix Pack 24 19 September 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 24
Fix Pack 25 5 October 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 25
Fix Pack 26 12 October 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 26
Fix Pack 27 19 October 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 27
Fix Pack 28 26 October 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 28
Fix Pack 29 2 November 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 29
Fix Pack 30 9 November 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 30
Fix Pack 31 14 November 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 31
Fix Pack 32 19 November 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 32
Fix Pack 33 29 November 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 33
Fix Pack 34 7 December 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 34
Fix Pack 35 18 December 2018 Release notes Download Fix Pack 35
Fix Pack 36 16 January 2019 Release notes Download Fix Pack 36
Fix Pack 37 5 February 2019 Release notes Download Fix Pack 37
Fix Pack 38 12 February 2019 Release notes Download Fix Pack 38
Fix Pack 39 19 February 2019 Release notes Download Fix Pack 39
Fix Pack 40 28 February 2019 Release notes Download Fix Pack 40
Fix Pack 41 5 March 2019 Release notes Download Fix Pack 41
Fix Pack 42 12 March 2019 Release notes Download Fix Pack 42
Fix Pack 43 14 May 2019 Release notes Download Fix Pack 43
Fix Pack 44 21 May 2019 Release notes Download Fix Pack 44
Fix Pack 45 28 May 2019 Release notes Download Fix Pack 45
Fix Pack 46 10 June 2019 Release notes Download Fix Pack 46
Fix Pack 47 2 July 2019 Release notes Download Fix Pack 47
Fix Pack 48 9 July 2019 Release notes Download Fix Pack 48
Fix Pack 49 17 July 2019 Release notes Download Fix Pack 49
Fix Pack 50 27 August 2019 Release notes Download Fix Pack 50
Fix Pack 51 3 September 2019 Release notes Download Fix Pack 51
Fix Pack 52 15 October 2019 Release notes Download Fix Pack 52



Prerequisites and Dependencies

The Fix Packs are only compatible with K2 4.7 products (e.g. K2 blackpearl 4.7, smartforms 4.7 and K2 for SharePoint 4.7). Because Fix Packs are cumulative, each new Fix Pack contains the updates and fixes that were included with the previous Fix Pack releases.

K2 4.7 March 2018 Cumulative Update must be installed first after which the latest Fix Pack must be installed. To determine which cumulative update or fix pack has previously been installed in your environment see https://help.k2.com/kb000426.


Installing the Fix Pack

To install the Fix Pack, run the Fix Pack installer on every machine in your environment where a K2 product or component is installed, including desktop machines that have K2 Studio or K2 Designer for Visual Studio installed. The same installer is used to update the specific K2 products and components that are installed on that machine. 

  • Backup your K2 database.
  • Download the K2 4.7 March 2018 Cumulative Update FP.exe.
  • Double click the .exe file and select a location to extract the installation files.
  • The Update window opens. Click Change  if you need to change the K2 database. Select the correct information and click Accept . Click Update to start the installation. 
  • A warning is displayed if a backup of the K2 database is not found. Create a backup before selecting OK . Click OK on the warning window to continue with the update. Click Cancel if you want to create a backup first.
  • After creating the backup, you can click Update  again on the Install window. If a backup for the K2 database was recently performed, the installer shows you the date and time of the last backup.
  • Click OK to continue with the update.
  • Wait for the update to complete, and then click Finish.
  • If you need to view the installation log file, open it from the link at the bottom of the Update window or you can locate the InstallerTrace[date].log file in the %temp%\K2 Setup Log folder.


Rollback Instructions
    • To rollback the K2 4.7 March 2018 Cumulative Update Fix Pack, uninstall K2 from your environment.
    • Re-install K2 4.7.
    • Re-install the K2 4.7 March 2018 Cumulative Update.
    • Re-install the Fix Pack you had installed prior to this rollback.
    • Delete the database created when you re-installed.
    • Restore the K2 database using the backup made before the update.

You can also restore the K2 database before re-installing K2. When you re-install, you can just point to the restored K2 database.



Fix Pack 1

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002270 - Hotfix: Sharing of out of office shared worklist items does not end after end date is rea...
  2. KB002271 - Hotfix: An error occurs when creating a Document Set with a long name
  3. KB002272 - Hotfix: When searching for an item on a view with a value of 1, the return result display...
  4. KB002273 - Hotfix: A user account is disabled when requesting user or group details and the provider...

Fix Pack 2

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002287 - Hotfix: No error message displayed when a user without rights to the database attempts to...
  2. KB002288 - Hotfix: After creating a new K2 for SharePoint application, the artifacts page is not dis...
  3. KB002289 - Hotfix: An error occurs when searching for a user and specifying a manager who does not e...

Fix Pack 3

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002295 - Hotfix: Unable to save out of office settings in K2 Management
  2. KB002296 - Hotfix: Captured data does not save on K2 mobile application after reloading a view or fo...
  3. KB002297 - Hotfix: An exception occurs when executing Endpoint SmartObject methods

Fix Pack 4

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002317 - Hotfix: Unable to set the “Manager Can Update Membership” checkbox
  2. KB002318 - Hotfix: Unable to upload documents with specific special characters in the name to a Shar...
  3. KB002319 - Hotfix: The K2 Service takes a long time to stop or start
  4. KB002320 - Hotfix: The “Delete All” button on the K2 Artifacts page in SharePoint is not working cor...

Fix Pack 5

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002324 - Hotfix: Worklist items can be released in K2 Workspace but not in K2 Management
  2. KB002325 - Hotfix: Deployment fails when mis-matched "Allow this SmartObject to be used in workflow"...

Fix Pack 6

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002338 - Hotfix: An error occurs when executing an SQL query using "Union All" with tables that ha...
  2. KB002339 - Hotfix: Anonymous Form access from a secondary runtime site causes an error
  3. KB002340 - Hotfix: Cannot inherit from DocuSign SmartObject dll assembly to override methods

Fix Pack 7

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002355 - Hotfix: SharePoint authentication does not register a change of logged in user
  2. KB002357 - Hotfix: Unallocated Worklist items present an error
  3. KB002358 - Hotfix: The cursor of the Picker control sometimes jumps to another control

Fix Pack 8

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002377 - Hotfix: When executing a list method from an Oracle data source, returned results only di...
  2. KB002378 - Hotfix: Unable to publish a SQL SmartObject with non-English column names in SQL table
  3. KB002379 - Hotfix: Unable to deploy a .NET Framework 4.7.1 based workflow via K2 Package and Deploym...

Fix Pack 9

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002421 - Hotfix: When starting a workflow via the REST service, the folio name in the webservice c...
  2. KB002422 - Hotfix: K2 Workflows don’t start when configured to start with a SharePoint event
  3. KB002423 - Hotfix: When Out of Office is configured via the API for a future date, the forwarding us...

Fix Pack 10

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002440 - Hotfix: Form opens twice in Internet Explorer
  2. KB002441 - Hotfix: After upgrading to K2 4.7 an exception occurs when executing an Endpoint WCF serv...
  3. KB002442 - Hotfix: After upgrading to K2 4.7 the Edit toolbar button on a list view does not functio...
  4. KB002443 - Hotfix: An exception occurs when creating a K2 Package and Deployment package using the S...

Fix Pack 11

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002466 - Hotfix: Non-expiry K2 licenses show an expiration date in K2 Management
  2. KB002467 - Hotfix: When a K2 for Visual Studio workflow in error state is retried, the workflow comp...
  3. KB002468 - Hotfix: A large number of temporary dll files are created in the Host Server\Bin director...
  4. KB002469 - Hotfix: When a workflow contains a mathematical sum or minimum inline function, the workf...

Fix Pack 12

This fix pack includes the following fix:

  1. KB002499 - Hotfix: Unable to access a K2 application after deploying a package using K2 Package and ...

Fix Pack 13

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002513 - Hotfix: When Out of Office is configured for a future date, the forwarding user receives ...
  2. KB002514 - Hotfix: Unable to access a K2 Application in SharePoint after upgrading to K2 4.7

Fix Pack 14

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002515 - Hotfix: When redirecting a worklist item, Viewflow still displays the original destinatio...
  2. KB002516 - Hotfix: Activating a Subsite on SharePoint to use the K2 application presents an error

Fix Pack 15

This fix pack includes the following fix:

  1. KB002529 - Hotfix: Unable to copy text from a single cell in an Editable list view

Fix Pack 16

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002530 - Hotfix: The participant name for a user task does not update when used in an Inline Funct...
  2. KB002531 - Hotfix: Auto complete search results display incorrectly on iPad mini devices

Fix Pack 17

This fix pack includes the following fix:

    1. KB002549 - Hotfix: The Oracle Service broker does not return content data of the clob column

This fix pack contains a roll back for KB002469 released in Fix Pack 11.

Fix Pack 18

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

    1. KB002571 - Hotfix: Endpoint Webservice execution fails intermittently
    2. KB002572 - Hotfix: A workflow containing a mathematical sum or minimum inline function goes into an ...
    3. KB002573 - Hotfix: K2 Designer for Visual Studio becomes unresponsive when attempting to edit a Smar...
    4. KB002574 - Hotfix: Button action is not triggered on a subview or subform on iPad
    5. KB002575 - Hotfix: Conditional styling does not apply on a list view when comparing fields with deci...

Fix Pack 19

This fix pack includes the following fix:

    1. KB002608 - Hotfix: An error occurs when running K2 for SharePoint application registration and activ...

Fix Pack 20

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

    1. KB002614 - Hotfix: When performing a quick search on a list view, not all values are highlighted
    2. KB002615 - Hotfix: Members from a SharePoint 2010 group are not added correctly to the K2 identity c...

Fix Pack 21

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

    1. KB002622 - Hotfix: Incorrect alignment of Text area / Rich text content when a cell on a view is rig...
    2. KB002623 - Hotfix: Destination users are not receiving task notification emails when many workflow i...

Fix Pack 22

This fix pack includes the following fix:

  1. KB002659 - Hotfix: Unable to successfully activate the K2 application on a SharePoint site collectio...



Fix Pack 23

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002672 - Hotfix: The day difference expression is not returning the correct results
  2. KB002673 - Hotfix: When adding an exception rule in out of office configuration, not all workflows d...
  3. KB002674 - Hotfix: Error messages that contain user supplied values do not encode the value correctl...

Fix Pack 24

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002693 - Hotfix: The Broker SDK is only calling single sign on authentication when the cached pass...
  2. KB002694 - Hotfix: The incorrect month is selected when the calendar control is in the Arabic (Saudi...
  3. KB002695 - Hotfix: Using the IsBlank filter on an Active Directory SmartObject at runtime presents a...
  4. KB002696 - Hotfix: When creating a new SmartForms runtime URL and using it in a client event, it rev...

Fix Pack 25

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002728 - Hotfix: When a large number of roles exist in K2 Management, you are unable to navigate t...
  2. KB002729 - Hotfix: When a user’s password contains a reserved MsBuild character, an error occurs whe...
  3. KB002672 - Hotfix: The day difference expression is not returning the correct results
  4. KB0027 - Hotfix: A time out error occurs on a SharePoint document library containing a large number ...

Fix Pack 26

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002741 - Hotfix: An error occurs when transferring data to a rich text control
  2. KB002742 - Hotfix: When a calendar control is set to “time only”, the time popup does not open at ru...

Fix Pack 27

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002773 - Hotfix: The text of a list view header is incorrectly aligned
  2. KB002774 - Hotfix: The PDF control does not create the PDF file successfully in some instances

Fix Pack 28

This fix pack includes the following fix:

  1. KB002791 - Hotfix: After upgrading to K2 4.7, a drop-down list is empty on an editable list view

Fix Pack 29

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002809 - Hotfix: Performance issues occur in K2 Worklist, K2 Designer and K2 Management
  2. KB002810 - Hotfix: The quick search drop-down order is incorrect on a list view

Fix Pack 30

This fix pack includes the following fix:

  1. KB002828 - Hotfix: When opening a subform in Chrome on an iPad, the positioning is incorrect

Fix Pack 31

This fix pack includes the following fix:

  1. KB002837 - Hotfix: K2 smartforms opens a large number of socket connections to the K2 Server

Fix Pack 32

This fix pack includes the following fix:

  1. KB002839 - Hotfix: After deploying a package via K2 Package and Deployment, view field mappings are ...

Fix Pack 33

This fix pack includes the following fix:

  1. KB002868 - Hotfix: Custom style configured on a listbox control is not applied at runtime

Fix Pack 34

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002874 - Hotfix: Unable to sign-in to K2 smartforms when Multi-Factor Authentication is used
  2. KB002886 - Hotfix: SmartObject not available to configure as “Use Existing” in K2 Package and Deploy...
  3. KB002887 - Hotfix: When registering a new Endpoint Webservice service instance, the K2 Server stops ...

Fix Pack 35

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002909 - Hotfix: K2 Studio closes unexpectedly
  2. KB002910 - Hotfix: Navigating to a K2 Application from any SharePoint list or library may result in ...

Fix Pack 36

This fix pack includes the following fix:

  1. KB002938 - Hotfix: Slow performance experienced when you deploy a package and attempt to configure a...

Fix Pack 37

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002954 - Hotfix: The Image or File Attachment controls display incorrectly in PDF
  2. KB002955 - Hotfix: Paging does not work on the Get Document Sets SmartObject method
  3. KB002956 - Hotfix: Workflows are not visible on the create package window in K2 Package and Deployme...

Fix Pack 38

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002967 - Hotfix: There is no user-friendly error message provided when the end user tries to uploa...
  2. KB002968 - Hotfix: Actions after an “if” condition in a rule do not execute

Fix Pack 39

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB002978 - Hotfix: The K2 Host Server service becomes unresponsive and cannot be restarted

Fix Pack 40

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003000 - Hotfix: Generating a PDF with a K2 workflow renders the PDF incorrectly
  2. KB003001 - Hotfix: Memory Leak when calling REST Web Services
  3. KB003002 - Hotfix: Generating a PDF with K2 smartforms at runtime show hidden controls
  4. KB003003 - Hotfix: K2 Performance deteriorates after several days of production activity

Fix Pack 41

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003004 - Hotfix: Migrating from Windows Server 2008 R2 to Windows server 2016 results in K2 Workfl...
  2. KB003005 - Hotfix: The Set as Default option on a List View filter does not appear in runtime when u...
  3. KB003006 - Hotfix: K2 Workflow reports show instances in running status even though they have comple...

Fix Pack 42

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003030 - Hotfix: The K2 for SharePoint Application becomes unresponsive upon registration

Fix Pack 43

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003137 - Hotfix: Deploying a K2 Smartobject from Source to Target, causes the Smartobject method p...
  2. KB003138 - Hotfix: An error occurs when running a view with a Tree View control
  3. KB003139 - Hotfix: Unable to refresh K2 workflow reporting services
  4. KB003140 - Hotfix: After installing 4.7 CU5 FP 40 the Save as PDF method no longer works

Fix Pack 44

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003151 - Hotfix: A SmartObject method nested in an expression in a K2 workflow does not update to ...
  2. KB003152 - Hotfix: Unable to edit out of office settings for a delegate/redirect user

Fix Pack 45

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003166 - Hotfix: After clicking on a row in a list view at runtime the row is deselected

Fix Pack 46

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003196 - Hotfix: Executing a SmartObject method in K2 Management does not return results
  2. KB003197 - Hotfix: Unexpected dependency error presented on Form in Designtime

Fix Pack 47

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003235 - Hotfix: An invalid dependency error appears when parameter values are passed to a form be...

Fix Pack 48

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003247 - Hotfix: Uploading a document to a SharePoint Library presents an error

Fix Pack 49

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003262 - Hotfix: Using the Representational State Transfer service, K2 Host Server uses a large am...

Fix Pack 50

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003328 - Code Fix: Specified service plans not enabled for a licensed Azure Active Directory user

Fix Pack 51

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003342 - Code Fix: K2 identified an issue regarding insecure deserialization that affects all Endp...
  2. KB003343 - Code Fix: Adding a user to a role via K2 Management presents an error

Fix Pack 52

This fix pack includes the following fix:

  1. KB003365 - Code Fix: A form/view becomes unresponsive once a Rich text Control on the form/view is i...


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