Using the OData Service Broker (including Serialization and Deserialization)

This tutorial focuses on using the generic OData Service Broker, which is used to expose OData services as SmartObjects. In this tutorial, you will register a service instance against an OData service object, and you will learn how data can be serialized and deserialized. The following aspects are covered:

For the purposes of this exercise, we will be using a sample web service that exposes hypothetical product information for our Denallix organization. The sample service is intended for learning and demonstration purposes only. It is not intended for use in production environments and is not supported or guaranteed by K2.
Serialization is the process of converting one or more instances of an object into a text/string format (such as XML or another string type), which can then be easily transported and manipulated by other tools. The compliment of serialization is Deserialization, which converts the serialized data back to an object. Additional information on Serialization and Deserialization can be found on the K2 blackpearl Developer Reference site.
Additional information on the OData Service Broker is also available on the Developer Reference site.