Resource Types

The Resource Types node exposes your existing Resource Types and their corresponding Resource Type Parameters (think of the Resource Type as a container for the parameters required to connect to a particular service). Resource Types are usually system-specific and there may be several default Resource Types already installed in your environment. If your K2 installation does not already contain a Resource Type for the service you want to connect to, you will need to create a new Resource Type.

On the Resource Types screen you can add, edit or delete Resource Types and their corresponding parameters. (Note that Resource Type Parameters will only display after selecting a Resource Type, since parameters are specific to a Resource Type.) Each OAuth system may have unique parameters within the OAuth protocol, and each parameter used for requesting and responding needs to be defined.

Deleting or editing Resource Types and Resource Type Parameters might break services or applications that rely on those items. Do not delete or edit these items unless you understand the impact of doing so.

Resource Type Parameters

Although OAuth2 is an industry-standard authorization framework, each OAuth2 implementation can vary slightly in regard to the parameters used during the token flows. For this reason, OAuth resource configurations between services will also vary. The first step of this process is to discover what parameters and parameter values are used by the external OAuth resource for authorization, token and refresh requests.

For example, the Azure Active Directory OAuth2 implementation uses an encrypted 'client_id' parameter for Authorization requests, Token requests and Refresh requests. It also uses the following parameters: grant_type, api_version, scope, client_secret, resource, entity_id, response_type and redirect_uri. All of these properties make up the external OAuth resource configuration.

Each of the parameters used in the external OAuth resource needs to be defined as a Resource Type Parameter within the OAuth Resource Type. These definitions are used when communicating with the external OAuth URI.