Create a copy of a workflow

Use the Save As feature to create a copy of a workflow. When you select Save As, K2 Designer creates a copy of the original workflow's design file. This includes all the configured steps as well as references and variables, but does not include the configuration of the Start event. Use Save As when you want to create a new workflow that has similar requirements to an existing workflow, and use the existing workflow as a starting point to build the new workflow.

When creating a copy of workflows keep in mind the following:

  • You must give the new workflow a unique name.
  • When you create a copy, you must reconfigure the Start step.
  • Any form integration you added on the existing workflow is not included in the copied workflow. This applies to both the Start step and the Form tab on the Task step. You must reconfigure the integration preferably to a new form. You can integrate to the existing workflow form, but keep in mind that doing this will overwrite the form state rules. The copied workflow is set at the default state and will start when you submit the form. This means your existing workflow will no longer start when the form is submitted.
  • All the steps you added to the existing workflow will show in the copied workflow. This includes all configurations you applied to the steps.
  • All configurations you add to SmartObject Method steps will show in the copied workflow
  • Any inline functions (with or without SmartObject configurations) added to the existing workflow steps will show in the copied workflow.
  • When you create a copy, only the workflow design file is copied to either the default location (same category where the existing workflow is) or a different category created by you. Views, forms and SmartObjects you created for the existing workflow are not copied, and will remain in the original category. You can create a copy of these items and use them with the new (copied) workflow, but you will need to reconfigure all steps that use these items to point to the new copies of those items.
  • Remember to deploy your workflow when you done building and configuring it.
For related information see, KB002953 - Saving, copying and renaming workflows.