Move List Item Step

Use the Move List Item step to move a SharePoint list item to another list or folder. The SharePoint list item is moved to a list in a SharePoint Site where the K2 for SharePoint app is registered. List items are used to represent actual items or metadata of an item. You can, for example, use the Move List Item step in a business application to move an order (represented as a list item) from an In Transit to a Delivered List.

You need to first identify the List Item you need to move. To do this:

To use the SharePoint steps in K2 Workflow Designer, you must have SharePoint installed in your environment. To see the version of SharePoint that K2 supports, view the Compatibility and Support Matrix.

Drag the Move List Item step from the SharePoint category, Favorites bar, or the Recent category onto the canvas.

Example of a Move List Item step in a workflow