Get Library Reference step

Use the Get Library Reference step to create a reusable reference to a SharePoint library. You can reuse a library reference throughout a workflow. You can, for example, use the Get Library Reference step in the following scenarios:

  • In a workflow you need to add multiple documents at various points to a single library. Using a library reference, you can access the library using the reference for each document step
  • You create a reference for multiple SharePoint libraries where these libraries contain at least one field with the same name. A SmartObject will be generated for every library returned in the reference
To use the SharePoint steps in K2 Workflow Designer, you must have SharePoint installed in your environment. To see the version of SharePoint that K2 supports, view the Compatibility and Support Matrix.

Drag the Get Library Reference step from the SharePoint category, Favorites bar, or the Recent category onto the canvas.

Example of a Get Library Reference step in a workflow